I never gone with the wind
Just let it flow
let it take me where it wants to go
’till you open the door there’s so much more
i’ve never seen it before
i was trying to fly
but i couldn’t find wings
but you came along and you changed everything
you lift my feet off the ground
you spin me around
you make me crazier crazier
feels like i’m falling
and i, i’m lost in your eyes
you make me crazier crazier crazier
i watched from a distance as you made life your own
every sky was your own kind of blue
and i wanted to know how that would feel
and you made it so real
you showed me something that i couldn’t see
you opened my eyes and you made me believe

Cinta selepas bernikah adalah satu cinta yang halal dan suci. Cinta dua insan biasa, yang berusaha menggabungkannya menjadi cinta luar biasa. Kita kena selalu sedar hidup kita ada hal lain yang mengaturkannya. Soal jodoh, soal mati, soal rezeki. Suratan tersebut telah terpahat sejak roh ditiup ke dalam rahim. Tidak ada seorang pun yang tahu bagaimana, berapa lama dan bila melainkan Allah. Tugas kita cuma berusaha terbaik dalam hidup kita. Wallahua’lam.
Nota kaki : Aku baru buka akaun di twitter. Sapa ada boleh follow @acaiijawe :)
Mohd Faisal bin Hj Mohd Rahim aka Acaii
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